Sunday, April 1, 2007

March 31,2007

Ok the most interesting thing to happen to me all week was a day at the DMV. I sure hope every DMV isnt like ours...where do they get those people? A bunch of low level government employess wandering around delberately trying to lure people into an argument so they can run and get a state trooper, then taking an hour long lunch break followed by 5 minutes of work and then another break and more insults.

Good grief.

But I did get to spend the day hiking with my dogs and if you havent met them yet, thats Murphy(Golden) and Angel(Lab). Murphy was named after my favorite Atlanta Brave when I was a kid....back when the Braves stunk. And an x named Angel....the only thing she ever did right....Jk:)

If someone knows how to photograph a waterfall and freeze the falling water AND get enough light to see the surroundings,...let me know because this is a beatiful place and THIS is the best photo I could get.

eBay search:Coalburn

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